Blogginläggen från Portugal är på engelska
som led i att sprida kunskap om Comenius kurser
till pedagoger från Europa som besöker bloggen
och till kursdeltagarna på kursen.
What makes a good outdoor educator?
We did this:
The morning that all future mornings began with "melona" Dusan
illustrative way of showing how a circle can be used to give clear
instructions and to collect the group.
Especially Dusans singing with us, gave the morning a good start.
Expectations of our submissions before the course,
now those where in paper rolls.
Britta tells us how to find the paperrolls.
We had to locate the paper rolls through home-made cones.
Not so easy to find the rolls.
"Melona" and we all read 35 different expectations.
Keywords for outdoor education
Collectively we thought about the key words for outdoor education.
The words were written down a meter across the sand and could be
read by anyone from the hotel.
Feelings of group
Dusan talked about the importance of how to clear over our feelings
to the group, so that the group feels that we do.
Metaphors on outdoor education
Collective thinking, designing, and we told our metaphors
about outdoor education for each others groups.
Reflection Groups
Margrit with us figured out that a good creative team needs to
consist of such people with different ages, experiences, cultures,
men / women, and that group size may be 5 -6 facilitators spread.
Now wee needed som rest in the sun.
The first refelction group
We now formed our first reflectiongroup and did the rules for the group.
Now we were headed for something exciting for the coming week.
Elevators tall
We got three minutes on us to introduce ourselves, at home we had
prepared an A4 sheet of photo short text about us. Really exciting to
listen, quick to grasp the participants. Tove sat there and timed us.
Elevator speech continued the next day.
Learned today:
Outdoor Educator how do I get a good one and important to have good reflection groups.
I will be back in some days telling You about the coming days in Portugal.